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Wellbeing promotion is a fundamental focus in our school and we are committed to promoting positive wellbeing throughout our school community. We understand the importance of maintaining a positive wellbeing and the role it plays in creating an environment where all are healthy, happy and achieve their best. Wellbeing has been our School Self Evaluation focus for the past three years and as such, wellbeing promotion is at ‘the core of the ethos of our school’ and we endeavour to embed whole school practices which promote a culture of wellbeing.

Each month we now have a wellbeing focus in school. The student council helps promote our theme each month, through whole school announcements  & class visits.

Our Monthly Wellbeing Focus 2023-24

In case you would like to do some wellbeing activities at home
September  Mindfulness Colouring – folder or drawing to relaxing music
October  Mindfulness/Senses Walks around forest garden
November  Affirmations: here
December  Kindness – Focus: Kindness to yourself through kind self-talk & affirmations & kindness to others.
January  Yoga – resources here
February  Meditation: Guided Visualisations for Children found here Lots of Peace Out guided meditation for kids here
March  Journaling – daily or weekly. Pupils can use different prompts (examples here) Younger children may like to respond with pictures or there is a printable mindfulness journal here (p.10-15)
April  Mindful Minutes – resources here
May  Gratitude – resources here
June  Mindful activities outdoors examples

Wellbeing Committee 2023-2024

This year’s Wellbeing Committee 2023-34

2nd class: Malcolm & Iris
3rd: Thomas & Caoimhe & Rian
4th: Ava-Jane & Harry – Will also represent 1st class
5th: Nova & Odharna  – will also represent Senior Infants
6th: Cormac & Tom – will also represent Junior Infants

Our Wellbeing Committee had a discussion about what well wellbeing means to them and they came up with some lovely ideas:
Having fun together, having friends to play with, being happy & knowing that if I’m sad it’s okay, knowing how to manage and control your feelings, exercising & getting enough sleep, eating the right food.

The Committee are sharing what wellbeing means with each class, in a child-friendly, way so that everyone knows what wellbeing means. Here is the message they are sharing: 

  • Wellbeing is present when a person realises their potential (how wonderful you are!)
  • Wellbeing is present when a person is resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their life (keeps on trying even when things are hard and can cope with and manage big feeling you don’t like.)
  • Wellbeing is present when a person takes care of their physical wellbeing (exercises regularly, getting enough sleep & eats nutritious food to keep your heart and body healthy.)
  • Wellbeing is present when a person feels like they belong, and good relationships with other people (has friends to play with.)
  • We have to continue working on our wellbeing all the time, throughout our lives. We can support each other’s wellbeing too, by being kind to each other and helping each other through hard times.

Our Wellbeing Committee Reps are now in the process of getting some feedback from each class, focusing on what we are doing well in school to support pupil’s wellbeing and some suggestions on what we could do to improve pupils’ wellbeing. 

Wellbeing Week 2023

Here at GETNS, we endeavour to promote mental health in the classroom, to teach children about wellbeing and to instill positive attitudes towards mental health in our pupils. While well-being activities are integrated into the school day throughout the year, we take some extra time to highlight the importance of wellbeing during this special week.

The aim of this week is to foster positive mental health and wellbeing in our wider school community. Our student wellbeing committee visited each classroom to get some ideas from pupils for our Wellbeing Week and each classes voted on how they would like to mark our fundraising day, as part of the Amber Flag initiative we are working towards. A pyjamas day was the clear winner!

As part of our Wellbeing Week, children have no homework for the week. We have a Wellbeing menu here in case pupils choose to practice some optional wellbeing activities at home. Alternatively you may like to just spend this week as a family engaging in any enjoyable activities of your choice that enhance your physical and mental health.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind our whole school community to prioritise your wellbeing too and  try to take some extra time this week to focus on what makes you feel happy & supports your own wellbeing. Have some well earned ‘me’ time and prioritise your own self-care. 

Please find some resources to support parent wellbeing below:

  1. Bernardos – Wellbeing for Parents
  2. Mental Health Podcasts and Apps
  3. Mental Health Resources 
Pyjama Day 2023
Wellbeing Homework Activities 2023
All About Our School’s Wellbeing Week

Well Being Stock Illustrations – 5,236 Well Being Stock ...

                                                                         Well-being Resources

In this section you will find lots of Well-being resources to support your child at home in feeling happy and relaxed during what may be a confusing time for them. Good Mental health is not about feeling happy all the time but knowing that a range of emotions are a normal part of being human and having the ability to manage these.

Well-being support at home

Wellbeing Newsletter October 1st 2020
Wellbeing Wednesday June 2020
Wellbeing Newsletter May 2020
Wellbeing Newsletter April 2020

 4570book | Colorful Hand Prints Clipart in pack #5997

ZEEKO – Internet Safety | Powerstown Educate Together National ...

Zeeko Guidelines: How to Stay Safe Online

Supporting Children's Learning - Practical Projects: Messy Play ...

                                   Well-being Activities

Wellbeing Newsletter December 2023
Wellbeing Newsletter December 2022
Wellbeing Newsletter October 2021
Wellbeing Newsletter March 2021
Wellbeing Newsletter February 2021
Wellbeing Newsletter January 2021
Wellbeing Newsletter December 2020
Wellbeing Newsletter November 5th 2020
Supporting your child’s play

Yoga Resources
Relaxation Activity
Importance of Laughter
Exercises to Encourage Calm and Focus
30 Mindful Moments
Brain Break Breathing
Gratitude Activities
Mindful Minutes
Mindful Walking
Feather Breathing
Mindful Breathing with Teddy
Mindfulness Challenge Cards
Inside Feelings – Recognising & Dealing with Feelings
A Mindful Minute
Positive Power
Be Kind to yourself activity sheet
Letting go of worries
My Fabulous Dream
Take 5 breathing exercise
Jungle Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
I am an amazing person activity sheet
Managing My Worries Book 1
Managing my worries book part 2

Gratitude is all about being thankful and focusing on the good around us. When we learn to be thankful for everything and have an attitude of gratitude, we feel more positive, peaceful and happy each and every day. This Gratitude Scavenger Hunt is perfect for children and adults to start finding little things to be thankful for. 

A Well-being Journal for Children

At Home with Weaving Well-Being - Outside the Box Learning Resources

Yoga and Mindfulness

Beginner’s Yoga
Intermediate Yoga for Children
Advanced Yoga for Children

Be the Pond | Cosmic Kids Zen Den – Mindfulness for kids

A short mindfulness video for children

Mindfulness Meditation for Kids | BREATHING EXERCISE | Guided Meditation for Children

Meditation and Mindfulness for Children

Giant Sea Turtles in Coral Reef

Calming music and visuals of the coral reef with turtles

Relax Music for Stress Relief, Study Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music

Calming music to colour to or relax at home

Guided Relaxation for Kids – Time Out

A short guided mediation video for children

CBeebies Wind Down for Kids |Daydreams 

A nice resource to help children unwind before going to sleep

Meditation | Yoga With Adriene

A simple mindfulness meditation for all ages. Learn how to use your breath as a tool to change the way you feel and have a great day.

Morning MeditOcean — Guided Meditation 

Guided meditation with animals from the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California

March 2025

February 2025

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