Dear Parents and Guardians/A Thuismitheoirí agus a Chaomhnóirí,
One Day Together
Thank you for your generosity for this worthy cause which raised €325 and will go towards the continued campaign of building and sustaining equality based education. It is great to be part of such an honourable community and to be supported by our patron body, Educate Together.
Annual Meeting of Board of Management with Parent Body
Thanks to the PTA for organising the Cyber Safety Talk (CybersafeKids After the talk the Board will meet with the parent body and carry out elections for parent nominee to the new Board of Management.
The Board of Management are seeking expressions of interest from the parent body and are specifically seeking someone with financial expertise/interest. Please contact the school directly at [email protected] by 15th November 2023 ahead of the BOM meeting for parents on the 22nd November 2023.
Following consultation with current parent nominees and PTA, the appointment of parent nominees to the new Board will be using Option 1 process (see Appendix B (page 58) of Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2019 to 2023). This will take place at the Boards Annual meeting with the parent body and PTA’s AGM.
The parents/guardians nominated to the board must be one male and one female.
The board is advised to keep a record of the results of the nomination/election process as they may be used in future to co-opt a parent onto the board if a parent steps down.
Please note parent nominees may be re-nominated/re-elected but must stand as a candidate, it is not an automatic re-nomination.
- PTA providing tea/coffee
- Cybersafety Talk
- BOM meeting with Parent Body & Nominations of parents to new Board
- PTA AGM (see below for more information)
Phenomenal success of Autumn Fair 2023
Thanks to the months of work by all of the 2nd class parents, the team leading them and all involved. The Autumn Fair was a fun filled and memorable day for all and raised a really substantial amount enabling the pupils to enjoy many extras again this year even with the cost-of-living crisis.
Junior Infants 2024 – Sibling Offers Issued
Letters offering siblings a place in Junior Infants 2024 have been sent home with the eldest child in the family today. If you have submitted an application for Junior Infants 2024 and have not received a letter offering a place, please contact the school office by email [email protected] immediately.
Respectful Parking Please
I received a call from a displeased neighbour opposite the school who was vexed by motorists parking and blocking the exit from his elderly mother’s home. Please use the school’s designated park and stride area just beyond the Ballygal/Griffith Avenue junction, on the right-hand side of Griffith Avenue (driving with the school behind you).
I understand it is frustrating that there is no parking for parents in the school grounds, as with all schools. Please see our Guidance for Motorists/Pedestrians (click here to access). We have set down only for parents i.e. pull in, allow children to disembark, and pull away via roundabout. The only exception is for parents of children in the ALC classes or where the school has provided a parking permit.
And More!
Dee’s 1st class autumn printing
Please see below RugyTots starting on Sunday in the school hall. And Information about a Market happening in Glasnevin in December.
- Parent/Teacher Meetings: Week Beginning 20th November 2023. You will be able to book your PTA meeting via the Aladdin Connect app, details to follow in the next few days.
Frása na Seachtaine:
Cé mhéad duine i do theaghlach? How many people in your family?
Tá … i mo theaghlach. There are … in my family.
- …beirt…two people
- …triúr…three people
- …ceathrar…four people
- …cúigear…five people
- …seisear…six people
Le meas
Róisín Conlon
The Annual Board of Management (BoM) Meeting with parents and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 7pm.
We are delighted to invite all members of the parent body to attend the meeting at the School. We will also have a very special guest speaker, Aoife Hannon on the night from CyberSafe Kids. More information about CyberSafe Kids below.
CyberSafeKids is an Irish charity, which has been empowering children, parents, schools and businesses to navigate the online world in a safer and more responsible way since 2015.
Our founders and staff have backgrounds in cybercrime investigation, law enforcement, psychology, education, online child protection, academia and the not-for-profit sector.
We can see on a daily basis how technology plays an increasingly important and integral part of both their present and future lives and work to ensure that all children in Ireland have a positive and rewarding experience throughout their online journeys.
Our information sessions for parents, teachers and youth workers are designed to demystify the online world.
We raise awareness of what kids are doing online, the associated risks and parental safeguards. We offer practical advice and resources, as well as an opportunity for Q&A.
We hope you can join us on 22nd November at 7pm the Glasnevin ETNS PTA AGM and BOM Meeting for parents for an interesting talk by CybersafeKids.
Meeting Agenda
Please follow this link to view the Meeting Agenda for the BoM Meeting and the PTA AGM.
All parents and guardians of current GETNS students are members of the PTA and are thus invited and welcomed to attend the AGM. If you are uncertain about your membership, or have any queries, please contact the PTA Committee Chairperson, Colin Delaney at [email protected]
2023 Financial Statement
PTA Financial statements will be available with the minutes, upon request, following the AGM.
Election of Class Representatives
Prior to the AGM, representatives from each class will be elected. If more than one parent from a class stands for election, the parents from that class will vote on their representative using an online voting procedure. If you wish to stand for election as your class rep or if you wish to nominate someone for this position, please complete the online nomination form here (printable copy here). All nominations must be completed on the google form or emailed to [email protected] by 5pm on 15th November 2023, with Class, Teacher & Nomination in the subject line
Election of General Members
At the AGM, general members of the PTA will be elected. In order to stand for a general member position you must attend the AGM. Voting for this will occur on the night but all members can appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf at the AGM using the Proxy Form. All proxy forms must be emailed to [email protected] by 5pm on 22nd November 2023, with Name & Proxy Vote in the subject line.
Class Representative Nomination Form – PTA 2023/2024
Voting for class representatives is completed prior to the AGM, with results announced on the night of the AGM. Members are permitted to vote for the representative for the class/es in which their child/ren are enrolled only.
Please use the form below to put forward your nomination/s for class representative. If you have more than one child in more than one class, please complete a separate form for each nomination. If you wish to stand for class representative yourself, please also complete this form below.
Nomination of Class Representative
Parent/Guardian of
Child’s name _____________________________________________________________
being a member(s) of the GETNS Parent Teacher Association hereby nominate
(Full name) ________________________________________________________________as the class representative for
(Class and Teacher)_________________________________________________________________
Member signature:
Nominations should be emailed to [email protected] with Class, Teacher and Nomination in the subject line. Signed Nominations must be received no later than 5pm on Wednesday 15th November 2023.