Dear Parents and Guardians/A Thuismitheoirí agus a Chaomhnóirí,

Wow what a fun week we’ve had, highlights for me include meeting our incoming Junior infants; receiving a gift for the school, a new tri colour, from 5th class via the Dáil; an inspiring tour of Botanic Gardens with Pádraig’s 6th class; a delightful concert today by our school choir and St. Finian’s impressive school orchestra.  I highly recommend attending St. Peters Offbeat Ensemble in St Peters church on Wednesday 26th June at 7pm (see poster below).

School reports will be sent via Aladdin Connect to you tomorrow.  I feel very proud of everybody’s efforts and achievements all year.  Well done all!

School Expenses / Voluntary Contribution

In recognition of the cost of preparing children and young people for the return to primary school each September, Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. has announced funding to provide free schoolbooks, including workbooks and copybooks, for September 2024. This scheme will eliminate the cost to parents of providing these resources.

Funding is being provided directly to primary schools and special schools by the Department to implement the scheme and schools will now have responsibility for providing schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks to all children and young people at the start of the school year.

All schoolbooks will remain the property of the school so that books can be reused in future years. Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to children and young people for the duration of the 2024/25 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year. Parents are requested to remind their children to take care of their books and keep them in good condition during the year. It is not permitted to write on textbooks.

However, some expenses are not covered by the scheme, therefore the school will ask for a payment of €30 per child towards these expenses (24hr pupil insurance, Seasaw/IXL/Timetable Rockstars licences, etc.). If you wish you can top up this amount up to a voluntary contribution of €250 per family. If you wish to make a total family payment of €250 (which includes the School Expenses payment of €30 per child) you will not have to pay for swimming lessons (2nd, 3rd and 4th classes attend swimming for a 6-week term each year) and you will not have to pay for the end of year school tour. Also, in so doing the school, as a registered charity, can claim back money from Revenue.

An e-payment link will be sent to each family before the end of this school year. Instalment payments are accepted, and the e-payment request will remain open until 31st December 2024.

Dog Snoods for Sale

A big thank you to everyone who bought a snood and supported our 6th class entrepreneurs. We have around 70 black snoods left and would love to sell out so have decided to enter the dog snood business.

We will be holding a final sale tomorrow at 1:20pm and 2:20pm at the front of the school where we’ll be accepting cash and Revolut as payment.

As an extra incentive, if you take a picture of you and your dog in your snoods and send it into the 6th class team, you can come to 6th class and collect a little prize.    Again, we’d like to say thank you for supporting our business and helping us to become entrepreneurs.

Lost Property

All items of clothing lost/left in the school will be on display outside the main door from Tuesday to Thursday next week.

And More!

Krishang from 2nd class took part in a 5km cycle in the Phoenix Part as part of Bike week a couple of weeks ago.

Trip to the Dáil

This week we went on an interesting trip into the Dáil. We learnt lots about the Dáil and the Seanad and we had lots of interesting questions for our very knowledgeable guides. Sylvia and Beccy.

Beccy’s Fifth Class on their trip to the Dail where they were presented with a flag on behalf of the Taoiseach’s office following project work they had carried out earlier in the year researching the Flag, the Proclamation and formation of the state am…  Beccy

Naomi and Kate’s 4th class have been dreaming about their Summer Holidays with their artwork this week.  They made fantastic sunset and silhouette pictures using chalk and oil pastels.  Can you feel the heat? Naomi & Kate

Go raibh míle to Glynn for the fantastic tour of the Botanic Gardens today! 3rd class had a great time. Oisín

ALC Blue had an amazing day at PJs playcentre in Balbriggan. We even stopped in McDonald’s on the way home for a week earned treat. We really had a fantastic day! ☀️ Siobhán


Niamh’s Senior Infants and Beccy’s 5th took their paired reading outside this week to make the best of the sun!

This is 2nd class enjoying collecting and examining mini beasts.


  • Tomorrow, Friday 21st- Children wear colourful clothes. We will have a Pride Parade & a yard disco
  • Please bring back any school jerseys and t-shirts you have at home to Jill.
  • 6th Class Graduation on Wednesday 26th June 2024 – Pádraig’s class will be at 10am and Colm’s class and ALC Blue will be at 12pm.


  • In this sunny weather please remember to apply an SPF when coming to school.
  • When dropping or collecting your child early/late to/from school please ensure you close the pedestrian gate securely on your way in and out of the school.

Frása na Seachtaine:

Cá ndeachaigh tú ar do laethanta saoire? Beidh mé ag dul go dtí an Fhrainc/ Loch Gorman/ An Spáinn. –

“Where are you going on your summer holidays.  I am going to France/Wexford/Spain”

Róisín Conlon
