Dear Parents and Guardians/A Thuismitheoirí agus a Chaomhnóirí,

Bí Cineálta

Student Council are continuing to meet regularly to develop a kid friendly Bí Cineálta policy. They have come up with a definition of bullying behaviour… ‘Bullying behaviour is hurting someone on the inside or the outside with your words or your actions, on purpose, over and over again. This can be offline or online.’
Parent focus group – I am enjoying regular meetings with the parent focus group. This week we discussed what bullying is.

Assembly on Kindness

Thanks so much to Dee’s Senior Infants and Sineád’s 4th class for lovely assemblies on kindness.

Gaeilgeoirí na Míosa Junior Classes and Senior Classes


On Wednesday morning, both 5th classes made the short trip to Glasnevin Cemetery. We have been studying the Easter Rising in class this month so our tour had a special focus on some of the heroes from that period of Irish history. We found it very interesting and we learned a lot!


Sustainable development goals by 5th classes



Daniel’s JI learned all about the Chinese New Year this week. It’s the year of the snake 🐍.
We had great fun learning about different cultures and traditions and how the New Year is celebrated. We made dragon masks 🐉 that would be normally seen during celebrations in street parades ☺️

Naomi’s 4th class were hard at work this week to create ‘Motte and Bailey’ castles following their learning in history about the Normans. They showed great teamwork skills and historical knowledge in their creative pieces!

• Bank Holiday weekend – school closed on Monday 3rd February 2025
• School closure at 12pm on Friday, 14th March 2025 for staff training in Bí Cineálta.
• School closure May 7th for Maths training.
• If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home until they are feeling better.
• When dropping or collecting your child early/late to/from school please ensure you close the pedestrian gate securely on your way in and out of the school.

Frása na Seachtaine:

” Cén sort aimsire atá ann inniú? Lá breá/te/fuar/fliuch/gaofar atá ann.” – “What is the weather like today? It is fine/warm/cold/wet/windy today.”

Le meas

Róisín Conlon

Príomh Oide