Dear Parents and Guardians/A Thuismitheoirí agus a Chaomhnóirí,

Fáilte ar ais gach eoine!

We’ve had a wonderful start back to the new year and we are delighted to welcome on board new staff members and new pupils.  Here’s to another fantastic year ahead and with thanks to our dedicated PTA, Autumn Fair 2024 plans are underway.

With thanks to a donation from one fellow Ard Mhacian family, we have a fab new play tower with slide and swing, being enjoyed here by Jake.  All of the ALC children are loving it (and the staff)!


Hugo and Heidi and family thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Paralympics and were very excited to meet Róisín NíRían and support Ellen Keane and other Irish participants.


The ECA Committee are delighted to roll out the refreshed Timetable for Term 1 (click here to access) beginning week of September 16th.

Booking form (click here to access) goes live tomorrow Friday 6th September at midday.  We aim to provide our children with a mix of learning, creative and sporting activities.

As always, a big thanks to the school for enabling the activities and we ask all involved to respect policies and procedures attached with the activities.

We are a group or volunteers rolling out this programme so patience is appreciated, and we can’t always respond promptly to emails. We are all excited to see the return of activities and the children have a great time.


ECA Committee

Local residents

Let’s get off to a good start this year please with showing respect for our neighbours across the road.  If parking there please park on the school side of the road, opposite the driveways, ensuring none of the residents are blocked in.

Admissions for September 2025

The school’s Annual Admissions Notice will be published on the school website the last week in September.  The application form will open in October for 3 weeks.  Applications after the closing date will not be accepted.

Recruiting School Transport Escort

We are actively recruiting for an Escort which includes 4/5 hrs work daily escorting pupils from home to school and back again with a taxi driver.  If you are interested or know of anyone interested, please contact me as soon as possible.

Cumman na mBunscoil Peile

The girls have their first football match at home on Wednesday at 2pm in Na Fianna against Gaelscoil Balla M

The boys have their first game against Gracepark ETNS in St. Vincents GAA club on Thursday at 2:15pm (TBC).  Training will be on Monday in Albert College after school or on the school grounds if the weather is poor.

Welcome to the  September 2024 Issue of the  Education for Sustainable Development Newsletter! (click here to access).


  • When dropping or collecting your child early/late to/from school please ensure you close the pedestrian gate securely on your way in and out of the school.

I have included some information below which maybe of interest of you.

Frása na Seachtaine:

“An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?” –  “Can I go to the toilet?”

Róisín Conlon



Cabra Judo Classes

If anybody is interested in Judo there are openings for boys and girls 5+

€25/mth with 2 classes: 5pm Thursdays and 12:15pm on Saturdays in Cabra Parkside (Bogies). Free trial class.