Art Percent
After a couple of years of planning and months of intensive work by the artist including workshops with children last year we finally have our main piece of art installed. We are very tuned into STEAM at the moment and this is a wonderful example of planning, designing and engineering along with incredible creativity. To give a couple of examples the glass has to be heated to over 700os, each piece has to fit together like a giant glass jigsaw and it has to be installed on a high wall.
It is lovely to hear the children’s responses as they see it class by class today. When asked “How does it make you feel?” responses include: “Alive…, Calm…, Relaxed…. Like I was floating…, Like I want to swim with the otters…, Happy…” When asked “What does it make you think or bring to mind?” responses include: “Like I want to fly…, Spring…, Powerscourt…, Think of movement…, I want to be at that place…, It reminded me of when I was at the beach an made a new friend…, reminded me of when my Mum came first in the Duathon…, I want to be an artist…”
I’ve no doubt that hundreds of children will be inspired by this piece of work.
As there is still a percent of the Art Percent to be complete the launch date has been moved to December 13th. We are giving you a further opportunity to receive an invite so please let us know by Monday 26th if you are interested in attending.
Pyjama Day
We have been counting down the days to our Pyjama Day Fundraiser, which is this Friday 23rd Nov. The children have the opportunity to wear pyjamas to school and enjoy a movie with their classmates and donate €1 to Educate Together. This is our annual fundraiser for Educate Together, One Day Together. I would recommend that the children wear socks and shoes, as we will probably head out to the yard for some fresh air at yard time. We’ve also told the children they don’t need to rush out and buy new PJs, as some of the kids in the school were planning to do this. The children can bring in their favourite teddy, blankie or bedtime book.
Please see attached trend report following surveys completed by your children in relation to cyber safety.
This Sunday 11am – 2pm the NDNSP Christmas Fair provides a great opportunity to get some lovely homemade crafts and gifts for Christmas as well as a fun day out with lots of activities and food for the family. Please see below.
Traffic Safety Awareness Week
Next week is Road Safety Week with lots of initiatives for the children during the school day and the whole school community are encouraged to get involved in this important initiative. Please see below guidelines for motorists and pedestrians.
School Website
Finally take a minute to check out our revamped website which gives a taster of some of the things going on a daily basis. Thanks to Áine and all involved.
Chairperson and Principal meeting with PTA Reps
Our chairperson, Vincent and myself had our termly meeting with the joint Chairs of the PTA, Gráinne & Neal this week to reflect on the Autumn Fair and discuss plans for the year ahead.
Hour of Coding
If we have enough volunteers we would like to participate in the following. Please let us know through the school email if you are interested and available:
Hour of Code is a grassroots movement to empower every student in every school worldwide to learn to code. Through this volunteer-based program, students from around the world have learned an Hour of Code, a free one-hour introductory course designed to demystify computer science and demonstrate that anybody can learn the basics.
Frása na Seachtaine: “Conas atá tú? Tá mé ar fheabhas!” – How are you? I am great!
Le meas,
Róisín Conlon, Príomh Oide