We hope you had a lovely break over the mid-term and welcome back.
Thank you to Louise for organising the super subtle signs in the school grounds!
Our traffic safety awareness week will be on the week beginning the 26th November. We will be reiterating the guidance for motorists and pedestrians including appropriate use of the set down area now clearly marked with bollards. We have introduced the use of parking permits for those who need to park.
We raised €390 for Temple Street as part of our dress up day for Temple Street Trick or Treat. Well done everyone!
Tomorrow we will have Operation Mulchify. Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to help with distribution of mulch. It’s not too late to join the gardeners who will be kicking off shortly after 9am.
Zeeko talk on Cyber Safety is at 7pm on Monday 12th November and we would urge you to attend. This will be a follow up to the work carried out in school by Zeeko with 2nd to 6th class on Monday. They will also provide feedback gathered from surveys carried out by your children.
As mentioned previously we are very excited about the link we’ve made with the Talent Garden based in the DCU Innovative Centre and thank you to the Tag Team of parents who have been meeting with Deirdre who initiated Coder Do Jo.
Frása na Seachtaine: “Tá úll agam…….. I have an apple!
Le meas,
Róisín Conlon, Príomh Oide