Dear Parents and Guardians/A Thuismitheoirí agus a Chaomhnóirí,

Science Week

Have a look at some of the Science week work from from Junior Infants and 4th class below.

Congratulations to Esmay in 2nd who won a medal for her hip hop freestyle dance!!!  And to Daniel in 4th who won gold and Henry in 4th who won bronze in the Taekwondo National championships!!

Annual Notice of Board of Management meeting with Parents and PTA AGM

Will take place on Wednesday 24th November.  Click on the image across to view the agenda for the night.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Please click here to view the Amended policy following further feedback and discussions.

Reminder:  Due to the prevalence of other non-COVID related illnesses such as RSV, the HSE has recommended that children remain at home until they are 48hrs symptom free regardless of a COVID negative test if they have respiratory symptoms.  Staying home if you are sick is the best way of keeping our school safe.

Upcoming Dates:

  • World Kindness Day on Sunday
  • Parent Teacher Meetings (on Zoom): 16th – 18th
  • School Closes Early (for Primary Language Curriculum Training): 12:30pm 24th November.

Frása na Seachtaine: “Conas atá tú?  Tá mé ar fheabhas!” – “How are you? I am great!”

Le meas

Róisín Conlon




BOM Meeting with Parents & PTA AGM

(click to view larger image)

Planet Youth – Importance of Sleep for our National School Children

Sleep webinar

Copies of the slides that were used there for download, and there’s related pinned posts at and

Emmet Major
Planet Youth Coordinator

Science Week

Junior Infants

Junior infants explored how food colouring on sweets dissolves in warm water. We had great fun guessing what would happen and recording the results

4th Class Work

We explored which pillar shape was the strongest – cuboid, triangular prism or cylinder. We discovered that the cylinder is the strongest and that’s why the Romans used it in their column designs!

World Kindness Day on Sunday

World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. The purpose of this day is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. Happy World Kindness Day!