Dear all,
I hope you are staying healthy and well. With just three weeks to go of this unusual home schooling/working situation, I want to thank you all for your support and cooperation, and hard work. It isn’t easy! Please take it a bit easier in terms of what to expect from the kids at this point (for your own sake, and theirs).
SPHE/PE plans
Thank you for your valuable contributions toward these important school plans, which have been amended accordingly, and are attached, in case you are interested in having a further read. They will go to the board for sign off at the end of the month.
Bike/Scooter collection
With the restrictions relaxed somewhat, feel free to collect any left behind vehicles from the shelter this Wed morning between 10 -12 or Thurs 10-11 or 2-3 in the afternoon. In the interests of safety, one adult per family only please.
Upcoming events
To keep the children motivated, we are suggesting that we have a version of Sports Day and Art Day. I fully appreciate that many parents are struggling to manage workload and time with children/childcare, so if the suggestions, do not work for you, continue with left over work set.
Friday June 12: Sports Day – Further details will follow by email during the week
Friday June 19: Art Day (
This year, as planned pre-Covid, we are sending reports on Aladdin Connect. You will receive these by the end of next week.
World Ocean Day Monday 8 June
Well done to all, pupils, teachers, and parents for the continued great commitment to learning. Enjoy!
Tackling Racism
As we are in the midst of another historical turn of events, you might find this a useful support for helping your child to understand racism and how wrong it is.
SEN campaign
Thank you for supporting this.
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Príomh Oide