Parent Teacher Meetings Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd November
Junior and Senior Infant classes will go home at 1:05pm and all other classes will go home at 2:05pm on those days.
There will be no afterschool Religion, Guitar and Spanish next week as these classrooms are being used for Parent/Teacher meetings.
Zeeko Cyber Safety Talk
Thanks to those who made the effort to come to the talk which was very informative and practical. We’ll forward some of the key points.
Thanks to all the parents and 6th class children who gave Martin a hand spreading the mulch on the grounds on Friday. It looks great and there is “mulch” more where that came from! We will have another opportunity to help out on Friday 30th November.
Art Percent
Installation of the Art Percent will begin tomorrow afternoon. Be aware that scaffolding will be up for a couple of days next week also so please take great care, it’s not a climbing frame!
We are hoping that the children get a WOW factor feeling on first viewing the Art work and want to show them one class at a time. Therefore when the children come to school on Monday we would like all classes to enter the school through the doors by the Basketball Court or the end of the corridor and up the far stairway.
We’re going to have a small evening launch for the art piece on Thursday 29th Nov. If you’re interested in attending please let us know by Monday by emailing the office at [email protected].
Science Week
The children are having so much fun this week, learning through practical science, collaboratively planning and designing experiments and demonstrating them to peers, leading to further developments in understanding and more questions!! A child in Junior Infants was able to recall everything needed to make a lava lamp made the day before. Second and Third class attended a science workshop in ESB today and brought back some aliens! ; 4th class have begun a series of robotics lessons ; 5th and 6th class will have some of the TAG team in for a 90minute robotic workshop next week.
Everyone really enjoyed the football tournament on Tuesday and congratulations to the Girls who won their competition.
Great time had a the basketball tournament and both teams played extremely well
There were some great achievements last weekend in chess and tai kwon do. Well done to all involved.
Frása na Seachtaine: “Cén Gaeilge atá ar…” – What is the Irish for…
Le meas,
Róisín Conlon, Príomh Oide